
Please be aware that the Café is a community project organised and run by volunteers. 

We now have a Facebook page!

Our normal opening times are Monday to Friday, 10.30am to 3.30pm. (Excluding Bank Holidays and Public Holidays)


On Tuesdays, until further notice, we will open as usual at 10.30am, but close at 1pm. All other days are unchanged.

We have been forced to make this change because we have been unable to find a replacement Team Leader for the Tuesday afternoon shift.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

We also had to delay re-opening after the Christmas and New Year break because of a temporary shortage of volunteers so if you have a few hours to spare and would like to consider joining our band of loyal volunteers please contact us here.

Details of any other changes to normal opening times are also shown here.

Meet old friends or make new friends while having a cup of tea or coffee.  Do your shopping in Tilehurst … and come back for lunch.   Have tea and a scone or cake before you go home!   Do some of it … or even all of it … and become part of the community.

Unfortunately we have had to increase our prices a little to reflect the increasing cost of food and our overheads but we have continued to keep our prices as affordable as possible and we are still cheap compared to other places in Tilehurst. The new menu is here.


While the Café was closed due to COVID19 restrictions a bench was installed outside in memory of Jim, one of our regular customers. He visited the café most days until he died in 2019. Thanks are due to Jim’s family and others who contributed to the cost of installing this bench. It is there for the community to use.

If you have visited, and like us, why not join us?   Contact us here.

All those who work in The Link Café are volunteers (this is one of our teams)

For over 30 years we have built our good reputation on providing home cooked food as well as a listening ear and a Christian welcome to all. For this to continue we always need more people to join our bank of volunteers!

We particularly need adults to work in the café on Saturdays. The minimum commitment could be just once in four weeks although you could volunteer more frequently. Please contact us if you are interested. 

As well as volunteers to work in the kitchen and café we always need people to do home baking and laundry.  If you, or anyone you know, would like help, please contact us here  for more information.

A new booklet has been compiled containing recipes provided by our volunteers. It is available in the Café and the price is £2.50. Please see more details here.

Thank you.

Listening and Healing: Sadly this group is no longer able to offer its monthly ‘approach on the street’ but The Link Café still provides a place where informal chat with staff and other customers is possible during its opening hours – Monday to Friday.