The Link was set up to provide a place where, through the provision of refreshments, caring Christian contact could be made with the people in our community. The aim was to cover costs but not to a make profit. All those involved are volunteers. They give freely of their time and talents and, as a result, each year there has been some surplus of income over expenditure.
Since 1992 donations of surplus funds have been made to charities in the local area. The churches involved in the Link nominated the recipients and donations in excess of £140,000 have been made.
Churches in Reading Drop in Centre (CIRDIC) and The Women’s Centre are supported by Churches Together in Reading and have received an amount each year. Other charities that have received donations in recent years include:
Duchess of Kent House Alzheimer’s Society Christian Community Action Reading Crossroads Multiple Sclerosis Society St Michael’s Playgroup Affinity Trust Thames Valley Chiltern Air Ambulance Christians Against Poverty Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Willow House Salvation Army Hostel Sue Ryder Care Royal Institute for the Blind Hearing dogs for the Deaf Combat Stress Reading Talking Newspaper for the Blind Causeway Prospects Mustard Tree Foundation Yeldhall Manor Reading Single Homeless Project Thrive Door of Hope Reading YMCA Downs Syndrome Association Hope House Resource for Mental Health The Refugee Support Group Prospects Workaid Feed the Children Mind Daisy’s Dream St Vincent de Paul Society Faith Reading Samaritans Tact